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Pumpkin and Sage Risotto

Prep Time:

10 Mins

Cook Time:

30 Mins


4 Servings



About the Recipe


  • 1 pint vegetable (or chicken) stock

  • 1 small onions chopped

  • 12 fresh sage leaves

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • 170g/60oz Arborio rice

  • 250g/9oz pumpkin, diced small

  • 2oz of butter

  • Optional: Piece of fresh Parmesan, or vegetarian Parmesan-style grating cheese


1. Heat the stock until almost boiling and then keep over a very low heat. In a

separate heavy-based saucepan fry the onion in the oil over a low heat until

soft but not browned. Add the chopped sage and cook for a couple more


2. Add the rice and mix well for a few seconds to coat the grains with oil, then

pour in one-third of the stock and bring to a gentle simmer. Cook until

almost all the stock is absorbed. Add the pumpkin or squash and a little more

stock, and continue to simmer gently until the stock is absorbed.

3. From then on add more stock a little at a time, until the pumpkin is soft and

the rice nicely al dente (has a little bite to it). You may not need all the stock,

but the texture should be loose and creamy.

4. Stir the butter into the risotto, and season well with salt and pepper. Divide

into 4 bowls and sprinkle a few crispy sage leaves over each portion. Bring

the cheese and a grater to the table for your guests to serve themselves.

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