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Peas Please: Involving Citizens in Food Activism Report

Peas Please: Involving Citizens in Food Activism Report

The Peas Please initiative set out with a clear mission: to make it  easier for everyone in the UK to eat more veg. This mission remains  important: between 2016 and 2019, 12% of people over 16 were eating less  than one portion of veg a day, rising to 23% for those aged 11-16 years  old, and 29% for children aged 5-10 years old. Eating more veg has benefits for our health, the environment, and the economy.

To help us achieve this mission, the Peas Please partners – The Food  Foundation, Nourish Scotland, Nourish NI and Food Sense Wales – launched  the Veg Advocate programme in March 2020. Our aim was to involve  citizens as part of the wider work undertaken by Peas Please, based on  the knowledge that we can better understand the barriers that people  face in accessing veg through grassroots involvement, listening to  people, and working with them to identify solutions.

Initially engaging 180 volunteers from across the UK, we aimed to  understand what citizens believed it would take to make it easier for  people to eat more veg. Specifically, the programme set out to:

  • Create opportunities  for Veg Advocates to share their voices and lived experiences with  businesses and policy makers, and to create food system change that is  relevant and impactful.

  • Stimulate new and innovative action on veg in their communities.

  • Create a new generation of food system agents of change, through forming networks and cultivating advocacy.

In this report, we will  showcase some of the work Veg Advocates across the UK have been doing to  influence business practice and to help increase veg consumption in  their local communities. We also look at how a network of food activists  has formed. In each of these sections, we will be asking two questions:

  • What do Veg Advocates think needs to happen to make it easier for everyone to eat more veg?

  • What have we learnt  about how to meaningfully involve citizens? We hope that our learnings  can help shape and drive other citizen-led food activism programmes in  the future.

We hope that our learnings can help shape and drive other citizen-led food activism programmes in the future.

Read the full report here.

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